Downtown Smyrna, Tennessee consists of an old town center encompassing a square of twenty city blocks, intersected by an active railroad line. The 1880’s old town style depot is an inviting presence occupying one side of this center. Turn of the century buildings make up the three remaining sides. The vision for the Smyrna Depot District is centered around creating a town center atmosphere that will accommodate social and commercial spaces by linking the town’s park system, sidewalks, and possibly a retail center, into a cohesive destination spot. Park-like areas were identified and interlaced with the existing building fabric. We were able to show that the existing city blocks, with some reworking, will provide the Town with a pedestrian-friendly, comfortable environment that people will want to explore. Kline Swinney Associates’ master plan addresses the need for updating this quaint area that lacks walkability and infrastructure. The proposed vision plan is based upon creating a boulevard off the main artery and connecting that boulevard with sidewalks and the town’s existing greenway and significant park system.