Phase #1 Elementary Classroom Additions: We have completed construction of Phase #1 which consisted of a four-classroom addition with collaboration space and science lab that will be utilized by the elementary and middle school students in a one-story, load bearing masonry structure with steel bar joints and brick veneer. This phase highlighted geothermal HVAC and LED lighting.
Phase #2 Gymnasium Addition and Support Space: This phase consists of a 1,500 seat gymnasium, 4 locker rooms, multiple sets of restrooms, courtyard space, spirit space, and concessions. This is the most complicated phase because it connects the high school to the elementary and middle schools. There is a 14’-0” finish floor elevation change between the two structures. In February 2020 we completed the DDP documents and recently submitted to the contractors for pricing. Project highlights include geothermal HVAC, LED lighting, and collaboration spaces for student interactions. This building was designed with load bearing masonry walls with brick/cast stone veneer and long-span roof trusses.
Phase #3 and #4: These phases consist of a new 22 classroom wing, administrative space, converting the existing Gibson gymnasium to workout and wrestling rooms, and a classroom addition on the second floor.