This project consists of preservation, restoration, and re-adaptation of a Historic County Courthouse to be utilized for multiple government functions. KSA completed full as-builts of the structure to locate all building system and historic preservation elements. A phase plan for a complete restoration of the building was created including everything from building envelope restoration to beautification of the grounds for the square.
KSA recently completed Phase 1 of the project which consists of the following:
1. Basement Level Restoration: Refinish all terrazzo flooring and redesign of existing public bathrooms to meet ADA and to allow public use during weekend events. This includes new HVAC and lighting.
2. Second Floor Courtroom Preservation and Re-Adaptation of Use: The existing courtroom is being preserved and restored to its historic period interiors. Work also involves new plaster, refinishing interior trim/casework, extending the stage/platform so space can be converted to commission chambers for 18 commissioners, new AV, new low voltage, and IT so the space can be utilized for voting. Historic windows will be salvaged and restored, new draperies will be installed, existing pews for the public will be refurbished, and new HVAC, lighting, and fire protection will be added to the existing building.
3. Third Floor Renovation and Restoration: Converting existing offices to be utilized for planning and codes department. New HVAC, electrical, and communications. Refinishing the terrazzo floors, replacing all interiors, and ADA barrier removal.