The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s consolidated facility serves as the statewide headquarters for the Bureau’s investigative, information systems, and forensic laboratory functions. The facility features state-of-the-art communications, security and laboratory equipment.
The lowest building level houses public, training and personnel areas. Without escort the public is not allowed beyond this level. A 220-foot long, 2-story atrium features bridges linking two stories of information and investigative functions on one side and laboratory functions on the other side. This separation, along with electronic security entrances to individual units, provides a high level of security. The atrium serves as primary traffic corridor, large meeting space and lounge area for the facility. Thus, while the atrium acts to separate functions and provide security, it also serves as the “community” interaction space for the facility.
While the design emphasizes the high-tech nature of the facility, human comfort was not overlooked; ease of circulation, high levels of natural light, interesting textures and colors and the promotion of interaction between the staff of different departments all contribute to provide a pleasing environment.